" Reaching The Harvest One Person At A Time "
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240
please! DO NOT LEAVE this page without listening to
this message.
Early this morning I was awakened out of my sleep with a dream from the Lord weighing
heavy on my heart. In this dream there was
a baby and it was surrounded by rising water
and I knew I had to get to that baby or it was going to be overtaken by the water and I knew it would dround, I was standing right over it
but something had me bound and I could not move, my whole body was paralyzed and I tried to scream out for help but even my lips would not move.
All of a sudden in my mind I just began to call on Jesus, over and over I said His precious name until finally I was released but as I reached down to save the baby it had already been overtaken by the water and as I lifted it into my arms there was no life in it and even its lips were blue.
I said; Jesus, please help me, show me what to do, and Jesus said turn the baby over and hit it hard and firm in the small of the back, so I did...then Jesus said now turn the baby over and press gently on its chest three timesright over the babies heart and then cover its mouth and nose and blow breath into it,
As I followed each step, it seemed to no avail,
and I said Lord, it's not working, the baby is dead, and He said keep stimulating the heart of the child and keep breathing your breath into it,
and as I continued to obey the voice of the Master,all of a sudden, the baby stirred just a little, and then a few moments later it tried to open its eyes, and then color rushed back into it's little body and it began to cry out.
As I awakened, with this dream vividly fresh in my mind I said Lord what did this dream mean?
What are you trying to say?
Jesus said the baby is my children, many babies have been birthed into my kingdom but now are left drowning from neglect, many have been offended, hurt and bruised, and they have been left alone drowning, the spirit you felt is the spirit of the enemy who has paralyzed my called out ones and my annointed, whom I have called to ministries of healing and deliverance but satan has them bound in there own circumstances and situations.
He has bound them with cords of sickness, debt and finances, doubt and fear, pride and self absortion, of wealth and materialism.
Jobs and responsibilties and the cares of this life have become a chain of bondage to my poeple.
Many have walked a different path that has gotten them lost from the true annointing that I have called them to. They have lost sight of their true purpose and annointing that in the beginning made them fruitful. And even though it's still there it has been buried, far beneath their own concepts of success in my kingdom.
For their vision has been turned upon themselves and they have become blinded, naked and hungry and malnutritioned.
Many have aborted my call, and my purpose in their life. You see everything we see in the natural is a type and shadow of something in the spiritual.
Today satan has used the many murderous acts of abortion to steel and kill many with a God called purpose and destiny. Literally taking their very life before they even have a chance to fulfill God's plan and purpose, but oh my heart breaks when I see you,
those of you who still are here, you are alive and you are living out your life on a daily basis, but I'm afraid
many of you have aborted your baby, you have aborted your purpose, your God called destiny.
A God called purpose and destiny can only be birthed through much pain and anguish, just like the travail of a woman bringing forth her child...but joy and relief comes when she holds that sweet little baby in her arms.
You see any seed that is born out of much travail and anguish becomes precious to you, and no one will care for your purpose and destiny the way you do, because you endured the pain to bring it forth.
So remember what I said, everything in the natural is a type of shadow of what happens in the spiritual.
How do we fall away from God?
How do we lose the desire to care for and nurture all that God has purposed and planned for us to do?
Many children suffer either neglect or abandonment for many reasons, let's take a look at just a few.
Sometimes a mother who is not ready or prepared for motherhood, is not ready for the long sleepless nights, the constantly giving of herself to care for that little one. She quickly tires herself out and quickly tries to run from the resposibility of caring for that child because she is not prepared for the total rendering of herself, she gets drawn away by her own self-centered desires which in turn leaves her child in neglect.
Some are caught in the snares and bondages of this world such as drugs and alcolhol, many to the point that they will just walk away and completely abandon their child.
Some of our children suffer neglect because of parents who are consumed with success, money and materialism. We tell ourselves it's ok, we'll just leave the care of our child to someone else, it doesn't matter as long as they are getting cared for......
Yes it does!!! God called you to care for that child,
He gave that child to you, He trusted it into your hands and just because of your own selfish desires and plans now you want relinquish that burden onto another to carry.
And then there are those who give the child a little effort, I mean they try to shuffle time into their busy schedule, I mean between work, between T.V. or going to the gym, or going out with friends, or talking on the phone, texting, facebook, no time in their busy life to bring love, nurture, and dedication to the developement of that child.
Do You see what I'm trying to say?
Our God call purpose and destiny is lost, or it's neglected or it's just completely abandoned and thrown away....
Oh! God help us find a mission of recovery, You are
the baby...you are the one who is engulfed in the rising water of this world that is trying to pull you under and drain the very life out of every God called purpose and destiny, that precious seed of God's anointing that He has delicately placed upon you.
It is time for a God called Anguish!!!
It's time to travail and weep for a mission of recovery!!!
Listen!!! The Spirit of the Lord is calling out!!!
This message is not for everyone, but I know who I am calling, says the Lord, will you answer?
NOW! my child NOW! is the time to call on my name!! In these last days for the sake of the harvest!! Call on me and I will set you free!!
I am sending my spirit, to break the chains of bondage that have been keeping many of my called and annointed ones whom I have chosen to deliver and bring life back into my babies who have been neglected, hurt and bruised and left alone to die.
But you my called out ones will breath life back into them by listening closely to my voice and following Me as I direct your path.
It's time to Anguish, It's time to Travail, It's time to
STAND against the enemy with a great mission of recovery...
Choose God! Choose His purpose for you!
Choose His destiny for your life!!! Hear the heart of God today...Heed His call!!
He has come to set you FREE!!!
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240