" Reaching The Harvest One Person At A Time "
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240
I ask the Lord today to help me write something that is so anointed and so powerful that all who read it will be touched and know that His hand was upon it and His mouth has spoken it .
And surely as I began to type these words the magnitude of His presence overwhelmed me.
My feeling was like that of Paul and Silas as they were imprisoned, beaten and in chains, bound by the enemy that had set out to stop not just them but the one they represent and are ambassadors for: HIM! The Lord JESUS CHRIST! It was His mission, His work, His ministry, His Salvation to the world they were trying to stop that day.
But surely as the darkness rolled into the dungeon where they lay, a song rose in their heart and a praise came forth from their lips and a presence so sweet and yet so mighty filled the room till the prison was shaken and the walls began to fall and the shackles fell from their hands and feet! And deliverance
Came in the darkest hour!
I look at the world today and I see the enemy has imprisoned many of God’s anointed ones. But unlike the prison of Paul and Silas where they felt the pain of the beating and they could feel the bondage of the chains, this time the enemy is Silent, Hidden and deadly. The world is full of many of these hidden
Bondages, and day by day passes and it seems that its just excepted that we are entangled in this web of destruction that is taking out many of His anointed ones, called from the foundation of the world, the ones Jesus was speaking about when He said I have engraved you in the palm of my Hand and no man, can pluck you out of my hand.
Now you may ask, where are the chains, what is our prison, and who is our enemy?
And I’m here to tell you that IT IS YOU! There is a secret to the power and the strength of the early church, number one they knew who Jesus was, number two they knew who they were, and number three they realized thru the example of Christ that their calling required self-sacrifice.
Self-sacrifice, Hmmm! Because today we have it backwards.
It’s all about me. What makes me happy, what I want to do, what gives me pleasure, what I want out of my life. Yes, Yes, Yes, we plan it so carefully and it usually entails how we want to be rich and successful and have nice homes, nice cars, take trips, see the world, best dressed, and we even teach our children to be all they can be, the importance of going to college and making something out of themselves, and I myself do all those things too, and in themselves, these things are not wrong!
What’s wrong today and what is holding back the anointing in this world today is that we’ve forgotten to put God first!
All these things have become more important to us than God the one who has provided it to us and blessed us in this great nation of ours.
I recently wrote another paper in which I asked:
Have you prayed today?
Have you told God Thank you today?
Have you praised Him today?
Have you spent time in His Word today?
Have you reached out to help someone else He may have put in your path today?
How long has it been since you got down on your knees beside your bed and just cried and prayed and just spent time with the Lord?
We have lost the vision of the mission God has set before us.
We are content in our silent bondage of seduction, It is not How much money we can attain, nor the biggest church we can build, or the biggest house, the finest car, the mission is still the same even as it was in the day of our brother Paul and his Friend Silas, for in their time of bondage they realized that
Thru their sacrifice would come great power! And they knew thru their praise and time spent w/ the Lord would come great deliverance.
I heard someone talking about we don’t see the miracles like we used to, how come we don’t have great revivals like we used to?
It’s time for the true church of the living God to STAND UP!
Let the anointed of the Lord, the called out ones, let us shake ourselves and look again at the mission, the ministry, it must burn in our heart like fire fueled with the hottest of flames.
It must be to reach out like never before speaking the word, living the word, not being afraid to stand on God’s word again.
We say we’re believers but we don’t really know how to believe God for miracles and yet Jesus said “ Greater things than these shall ye do “ We’ve lost sight of the great power and anointing of God that brought people up out of wheelchairs, delivered the drunken and sobered them instantly as God saved them and completely turned their life around in an instant, I’m talking about instantaneous deliverance!!
I’m talking about the word being preached under so much anointing that sinners clutched the pews, and tears rolling down the faces as God’s spirit touched the hearts and lives of everyone under the sound of the voice of the man of God.
I’m talking about a hunger to be in church, every night they gathered and had so much of the presence of God that they didn’t want to leave and when they did , couldn’t wait to get back the next night to see God do the same thing all over again.
I’m talking about a desire so deep, a whooing of His spirit so powerful that everything within you is reaching out to Him.
Where has it Gone? How can we get it back? When will our blind eyes be open to see the chains of “ the cares of this Life “
That have taken us hostage and imprisoned us in our own
Selfish lifestyles that have cost us “ The Mission”.
Can you see it now? Can you See the Chains? Can you feel the bondage? Well: Like Paul and Silas we can be free again. Go! Go! Run ! Run! Back to Him! Back to Him!
Pray again, believe again, worship again, and again, and again, and again until you are consumed in His presence and His power then as it did for Paul and Silas will break the chains that
have you bound and set you free, set you free,
Set you free, Once again!
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240