" Reaching The Harvest One Person At A Time "
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240
Sometimes it's a test of our faith to show the true love of Christ when others reject us but when you stop and think about it, Jesus was crucified by some of the same people who hailed him as King, while waving palm branches and singing Hosanna To The King as He passed by,
but in the midst of all the rejection, He still loved them enough to die for them, sometimes, we are tested to show the true love of Christ when faced with hurtful rejection.
When we can truly still love those that reject us, in the midst of that rejection, we know our love is His love and not our own.
For there is a love that only comes from God,
What does it mean to overcome rejection?
What are the different ways we can experience rejection in our everyday lives?
Well at an early age we can face rejection by others when we face what we now call " bullying " , peers who do or say things to hurt others and to make themselves noticed as an aggressor, a mask for attention, and they use other people to feed their ego, to make them feel strong and in control.
Sometimes we face rejection in childhood, as children who may be abandoned by one or more parents, even though as a child you in reality had no bearing on the reasons for abandonement but most likely all children who face this type of rejection take this rejection very personal because they have no understanding of the reasons why, when in all truth they
themselves are the ones whom without cause share in the pain.
As we grow older the issues tend to change, we feel rejected when we fail at things we see others succeed in, we then experience rejection in relationships , whether it be unresolved issue's with friends or family, or rejection from a relationship or marriage partner.
Psalm 91. Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.
For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.......The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”
I want you to notice one thing about this scripture....It imparts the knowledge that all these things can only come from God.
He alone can bring us to a place of feeling secure and sheltered, He alone is our place of refuge and safety.
He alone brings us comfort in sickness,
and/or heartache.
He alone is our comforter and healer when others have abused us, when we have been treated unfairly and taken advantage of, He is our restorer and rewards us when we walk upright in His presence.
There are two dynamic truths I wish every man and woman of God could grasp, for it is these two most important truths that will keep your heart in right standing with God.
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240