" Reaching The Harvest One Person At A Time "
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240
The Significance Of Kingdom Women:
1: The Foundation of a Kingdom Woman is knowing her purpose.
She is A Woman of Value.
She is A Woman of Hope.
She is A Woman of Excellence.
She is A Woman of Committment.
She is a Proverbs 31 Woman, who centers her life and works to build up and protect her family and to lay a Godly foundation for other women to walk on.
Proverbs 31 :
8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.
9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
Faith is the power of a Kingdom Woman, our pursuit of Faith releases endless possibilities and our power to pursue Faith comes from prayer.
Prayer is the greatest producer of Kingdom fruits, it will produce Godly fruits in our personal life, in our family life, and in our church, and most importantly it will produce a Godly testimony in our community.
It will equip us with a positive influence that can change the world around us for the good of God's Kingom, but we cannot stop there because we also must realize that we cannot do it alone.
We must be strong and diligent to create a bond of sisterhood, and be willing to invest into the lives of woman around us, and that requires us to focus on others as well as ourselves.
Just like Jesus invested in the twelve disciples who eventually became the pillar of the foundation of His church, the strength to produce revival among us will come from our strength in our ability to become unified in our callings and abilities, as we invest them into the kingdom of God.
Satan's job is to plant wedges of separation in our life, in our families, in our church. This is how he will try to stop us in our tracks, and stop us from doing all God has called us to do.
How do we deal with the challenges facing us and our sisters, good and bad that the enemy has placed into our path?
Read the book of Esther, and meditate upon some of these key insights:
1. Know that you are part of God’s plan
2. Do not try to wiggle outof it.
3. Always do the right thing.
4. Claim His grace and guidance.
5. Take advantage of opportunities.
6. Commit the results to God.
3. Use common sense. How did Esther react to the problem? Read the story of Esther and see how God used her so beautifully to bring about His glory in a situation that she herself had no control over but could be used as a tool to bring restoration and deliverance for her people.
a. Right clothes. "Put on her royal apparel" (5:1).
b. Right place. "Stood in the inner court."
c. Right approach. "Touched the top of the scepter."
d. Right preparation. "Come to a banquet."
e. Right people. "Let the king and Haman come."
f. Right enticement. "Come again tomorrow night."
Sometimes God wants to use us as His tool to bring such deliverance and restoration in His Kingdom and to those around us.
We must not be so quick to walk away from those who may be a little and sometimes even a lot different than we are.
Sometimes God places us in specific scenarios for a reason, just as His time and purpose for Esther was perfectly planned in God’s timing to bring about a mighty deliverance for His children.
1. God works behind the scenes when we face problems, for ourselves or in helping others.
2. Sometimes we can’t control the circumstance, but we can control the way we respond to them and how attentive we are to seek God for His plan in each and every scenario.
3. Our response can demonstrate God’s love and care that will bring about a Godly transformation in the life of others as well as a teaching tool in our own life that we may gain Godly wisdom and learn to show His unconditional love.
4. We need help when facing trying circumstances, and we must learn to offer that help to others, for this defines “ A SISTER LOVING A SISTER “.
As A Mother: Even as a mother, some of these same principles need to apply, one of the hardest things for a parent is to do is to leave their child in the hands of their heavenly father, we as parents like to keep them in our hands for we feel safer that way thinking we can protect them.
When in all actuality in the hands of our heavenly Father they are divinely protected as the apple of His eye.
When we know and truly believe that He loves them it's easy to trust Him with their care after we know we have done our part as a Godly parent in leadership, in teaching them His Word, and in the spiritual battle of warfare we have brought them to God in prayer.
Our children today are faced with many challenges today that can sometimes overwhelm them.
The world today as a whole is filled with sin and darkness, and yet we as mothers must teach our children the principles of scripture that will allow them to be the light that shines brightest in some of the darkest times known to man.
Prayer is a powerful tool, that is free to everyone, and that is most assuredly the match that lights the fire for the cleansing fire of God, and the power to break down the many strongholds of the enemy.
In our busy lifestyles sometimes we fail to find the time to pray and this is the biggest wedge satan is using to make us weak christians. For it is in the power of prayer, and Godly living that can bring us to the miraculous results we desire from God.
Daniel surely caught a glimpse of the importance of prayer, when tested still remained faithful to pray, and the enemy thought he had him when he was thrown into that lion's den, but our God who is always faithful, brought Daniel out alive.
As a woman today let us heed that heavenly call to prayer that will in turn ready us to engage in the battle. This is the key to winning victories over all of the fiery darts that the enemy will use to try to destroy our children, our families, our church and our beloved partners in prayer, our sisters.
As a Kingdom Woman built in Christ you have a right to fully experience your destiny, and accomplish all that God has called you to do, and most of all your are not fighting alone, Jesus is fighting for you to win.
Through Prayer and God's Word we can becomea pillar of Faith in our homes, to our husbands, and our children, and to our church and communities.
Will you take time today to self examine how you display the fruits of a Kingdom Woman?
What are some areas you would like to strengthen in your personal walk with the Lord?
In His strength we can all set spritual goals and acheive them!!!
No matter what tools the enemy uses to stop us we will always have the victory when we put our Faith and Trust in Jesus....We know He will not fail us.
Will you pray this prayer with me today?
Lord I pray that you will help me remember all timing is Your timing, O Father. Sometimes we wonder and just can’t find rhyme nor reason for the situations of the moment, but you give peace when we yield each poblem and circumstance to You.
When sorrow or trials or fear or danger stop me in my tracks, help me, Father, to understand that Your ways are not my ways” and my timing is not perfect. Help me prepare and take time to come into Your presence.
And help me to see my husband,my child, my church or my sister who is in this season of trial and testing and remember the grace you have shown me as I extend that same love and grace to them.
Lord don’t allow me to begrudge them, when their challenges and difficulties begin to weigh me down also as I bear with them the burden they are carrying for sometimes God I must understand that you placed me there in that specific season of their life to help bare the load they are carrying on their shoulders.
Lord also, help me to understand that you have called me to stand in the gap, in prayer, in love, and in action.
You have called each one of us to be prayer warriors, tearing down strong holds, that many of them may be facing, and standing with them in faith that they may have the strength to overcome any challenge.
Bringing them the encouraging Word of God, that they may be equipped to overcome the crippling darts of the enemy.
For we understand Lord that today more than any other time in history we are in spiritual warfare and our enemy today is lying in wait to destroy all of those he can bring down through the deception of sin and failure.
But Lord you have called us to stand together sister with sister, mother with daughter, woman to woman, we have been bound together in the mighty strength of Love and the Power of the Holy Spirit that we may bring down the strongholds of satan in our homes, in our communities, and in our cities, in our nations.
Oh Lord make us ready, make us willing and most of all make us obedient to hear your call to woman all over the world.
Help us hear your call today.
So Lord if I began to react in selfishness I may not learn the lesson of “ UNCONDITIONAL LOVE “ that you are trying to teach me.
Jesus, thank You for being my Heavenly Father.
Thank You for placing me in the right family and for using me to serve You.
I want to be beautiful inside and out , like Esther, and useable in Your timing to make a difference. Thank you for making me a Proverbs 31 Woman, full of Grace and Truth, Annointing and Power to strengthen those around me.
Thank you for every challenging moment I had to endure with my “ SISTERS “ and as a " MOM " as you were teaching us what it means to love “UNCONDITIONALLY “ like You.
International Ministries of Last Call, Inc
8311 N E Zac Lentz Parkway Unit
Victoria, TX 77904
ph: 601 324 1240