I would just like to extend a personal greeting and a huge thank you from us here at TLCM International.
We are so grateful you have come to join us in this powerful God Ordained Conference.
And we are thankful for all the Pastors and Friends and prayer partners God has brought our way, what a tremendous blessing you all have been to us along the way.
As I am writing to you today I am thinking about the blessings of God upon The Last Call Ministries International, and how He has blessed us through divine connections with Pastors just like you.
Sometimes I stand in AWE of how He has grown this ministry in just a few short years.
And not only have we seen Him grow this vision but the even greater miracle is where He has brought us from.
Can I tell you today that in just a few short years He has entirely transformed my thoughts about ministry.
I went back to a time and a place in my life that my perception of success in God was on an entirely different level... but about 7 or 8 years ago God began to change my whole perspective about success in ministry and that's what I want to share with you today.
And I'm not here today to tell my personal testimony, however, I'm here to share with you how God totally changed my perception of His call on my life and how He opened up my heart to receive A truth that drives me every day, it is a burden upon my heart to share this with you because I know how it has drastically changed my life.
For I have learned to rest in Him, To fully trust Him in the good and bad of lifes everyday challenges, and I've learned He is just as much God in the bad times, as He is in the good times.
Can I tell you I've had some of both. I've had times in my life when my dreams and visions of ministry were shattered, I know what it's like to face situations in your life and ministry that make you feel like just giving up.
I have had times in my life and ministry that I felt like I was a total failure, I felt like I was nothing, and I really felt like any type of ministry in my life was over.
Then one day God spoke to me during a time I had almost all but given up and He said, now that you have come down to nothing, I can use you.
Now in my mind I just could not grasp that, because in my eyes all I could see was the times that I had the perfect opportunity and I did not understand why
but I lost it all, So I began to question God:
So Lord, tell me how is it that you can use me now, why couldn't I just have been successful then, when I had it all together? When it seemed I was right at the threshold of all I'd ever dreamed about when it came to ministry, was reachable?
In my heart I had all these questions about why God had allowed me to go through so many things... where I felt like I was a failure, like I had nothing to offer Him anymore.
But this song kept running through my mind... "when you feel like you've lost it all and you haven't got a prayer, Jesus will still be there "
And then I heard Him gently say, because my child you now have come to the end of yourself, that is where you will truly find Me, My will and My purpose for you.
During this time I was so blessed to be planted in a church with A very dear friend, who is like my brother and also A great Anointed man of God, who spoke into my life and said God was going to take me to nations, I think I recieved it then but I'm not sure I really believed it at that time but it was a turning point for me to believe that God could still use me.
Then I began to realize that my view of success and God's view of success was entirely different. Let me explain:
Earlier in the week I was talking to someone and they began to share with me this testimony.... and I want to share it with you because this story says it all:
There was a young man who dreamed all of his life to get his doctrates degree...He persued a life in ministry and bacame a pastor of a very large church, and he worked alot of years to attain this degree....a few months before he was to get his degree he said he just felt like God had left him, he would pray, and seek God for messages but it was like he was hitting a brick wall, and he just felt forsaken by God and this began to bother him greatly and he began to earnestly seek God about it...well a few days before he was to take his final test to get his doctrate's, he was seeking God on Saturday for a message on Sunday morning and he said he just finally broke and said God why have you forsaken me? God why do I feel your not here?
Haven't I given you my life, haven't I pastored all these years and haven't I been faithful to you Lord? And he said as he cried out in a heart of brokeness, he heard God reply...yes son you have done all of these things, but the one thing you have not given up for me is your degree, thats the one thing you have held on to son, and until you come to the place where you understand that you have to give up all of who you are or who you aspire to be and except all of my will and my purpose for you then son I can't use you in the fullness of your potential in me son, I must hold back all that I have for you because you are not ready to attain it.
All these years He had spent doing what He thought was the greatest thing God wanted for him, but this new revelation brought him to brokeness.
Sunday morning when He got up to speak, he said, I'm sorry! I don't have a message for you today, but I do want to share something with you...all my life I have dreamed of getting a doctrate degree, I have worked so hard for years to get to this moment, but yesterday while in prayer,God ask me has this been the most important dream of your life, the one thing you've always wanted to do...I said yes Lord...Then he said ; when you can lay it down and give it up to me, then you will have given me your all....
No message was preached that day, just the few words that rolled from the heart of the man of God, but the alters were full... needless to say, he did not go and take the test to get his degree..why ??? Because when you truly let go of all of yourself is when you'll truly find His purpose and His destiny for you and it does not matter any more how people see you, it only matters how God see's you because He is the most important thing from that point on.
Now I'm not saying it is wrong to get a degree of recognition, please all who have worked hard to do this, it is a great accomplishment and I commend you.
We are even working very hard to bring to you opportunities to have credentials and college credit with our training program with Pastor Mike Shreve and Deeper Revelation School of Ministry.
No, I'm saying it could be anything, a degree or a title, a person, it could be a man or a women, a child, a mother or father, it could be a secret sin, it could be money, or a even a job, it could be your own desire for a position of prestige and honor that you are willing to lie or cheat or steel for ,it could be anything we aspire to be that becomes more important to us than doing God's will in our lives, it's the one thing in your life that is the most important to you.
Having your own personal dreams, well that's ok, and there is nothing wrong with that in itself but are we depending on our own talents and abilities to get us there instead or are we relying on God and releasing our will to Him?
And are we truly willing to except God's will instead of our own?
What is it that we are willing to lay down at His feet?
Look at the story of Abraham... did not God test His faith to see if He was willing to offer up the very promise God had given him, even when he knew God's entire promise rested in the loins of Isaic.
Yet He trusted God enough to know that if He obeyed, God would still be faithful to bring His word to pass.
Now that pastor a month or 6 months from now may go on to take that test and get that degree but when he looks at it hanging on the wall, there will be no doubt that God is first in all He does, it is the desire to please him that is His first and foremost desire.
If you would have told me 20 years ago that today I would be working in missions, to support teaching and training for pastors and to reach a harvest in other countries I would have laughed at you, because it was never in my plans to be where I am today, but I can honestly say today I know the burden God has given me to reach a harvest in lands where people are truly hungry for God but resources are lacking and many of the poor are in need ....
I've learned that my success is not measured by man but it is measured in how I walk in the purpose God has called me to, and how He see s my heart in all that I do, not to be recognized by man, but simply to make Him smile, as every time I walk where He leads, He opens another door in front of me and here is where I am content, just in following HIM.
Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me: my grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 7:10
For Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted but the sorrow of the world produces death. But His spirit brings life, new life everyday, and when we come to the place in our lives where we can truly say Lord not my will, but yours be done, we have found true succes in servng God.
1 Corinthians 13
If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
My heart's desire is to reach others for the cause of Christ before it is too late.
" Sending The Message Of God's Love And Forgiveness Throughout The Lands " that is our mission statement.
Lord let us go to all the nations of the world, let us be your hands and feet...Give us the resources we need to do more than we could ever dream or imagine.
Everytime we can reach out to provide support, teaching or training, to a pastor in his native land where he can reach his community for Christ, or we can help fund an orphanage, or help build a church, we are reaping a harvest all for the cause of Christ.
I challenge you today...go and stand before the mirror....and take a good long look at yourself, and think of all you desire and all you want out of your life....then ask yourself today, how much of me can I give to God?
And hear God say...SHOW ME YOURSELF MY CHILD!!!
And then understand that what you see in that mirror, I have fashioned it to bring glory to My Name.
When we come to realization that living for Christ is to serve others, we can truly understand that whatever we are living for is not suppose to be about us, it is all to bring glory to Him.
If you are in ministry to bring glory to yourself and what you do, you will fail!!!
If you are in ministry just as a source to gain financial blessings, you will fail!!!
If you are in ministry for any other reason than to give of yourself to others you will fail!!!
Ministry is about us bringing all Glory to Him and as we do He will cause His light to shine down upon us.
He has a message for you today:
I hear the voice of The Lord saying:
For My Name is above every name and all Praise and Glory belong to Me and In Me every living thing shall rejoice.
And as your earthly flesh gives way to My Glory, My Anointing will shine In You!!! Through You!!! and Around You!!!
For I will cause the light to shine out of darkness and in that place where you have walked in the past there may have been defeat, but I will cause victory to break forth.
For when you lay down who you are and all you aspire to be then and only then can you take on My Name.
Arise my child, Oh Arise!!! and put on My Name, and receive My strength for you are now called by My Name, and in My Name you will be strong and accomplish great and mighty things. And I will bless you out of the abundance of heaven and My strength shall be your delivering power.
Go forth in My Name My child, and never measure your success by the success of this world or by others, but walk where I have placed thee today and seek my path for tomorrow, Take My Hand my child and let us walk this journey together.
And I will make your crooked paths become straight, and I will cause thee to Rise in favor, and I will Bless Thee in your going out and your coming in.
Be of Good Cheer, and know today that I have Breathed upon you, and Anointed your head with the Oil of Gladness and The Power of My Holy Spirit.
Go Forth In My Name For I The Lord Your God, I AM WITH THEE.